


Podcasters We've Helped Grow In The Last 3 Years!

Hear What Our Students Have To Say:

  • Agi had been podcasting for over 2 years, and grown to 1.8k monthly downloads

  • He had a fantastic show and knew his content just needed to be heard by more people, but had no clear path to getting more listeners...which felt frustrating

  • There was no clear growth strategy in place and he was trying lots of different things and crossing his fingers, never knowing what was really working and worth his time

  • After working together and implementing the 4 Step Growth Process, Agi doubled 2 years' worth of growth in under 16 weeks!

  • He's now getting over 3.5k monthly downloads and is about to monetise the podcast!

How Would It Feel To Grow Your Podcast By 54%

In Just 1 Month Whilst Spending Less Time On Social Media?

Well, this is exactly what Raven did with her podcast!

Before implementing step #2 (which focuses on increasing your organic discoverability and visibility on Apple and Spotify), Raven actually QUIT her podcast!

'I quit because I wasn't getting any traction. I was burning out ALL the time, it was super frustrating.'

When I would promote really heavily I got like 30-50 listens, if I didn’t promote I would get like 13-15 per episode…I can’t even get sponsors because of my listens.'

Although we were working together, Raven also had other coaches who were pulling her in different directions.

This made it hard for her to quickly implement what we covered during our sessions.

She had what we see way too often in the space: 'scatter brain syndrome' (the feeling that you are doing so much yet getting so little in return).

She couldn't focus on the important.

And, I mean how could she with so much on her plate?

Editing, guesting, scheduling, content creation, social media posting, parenting, and to top it all up she has other coaches, projecting what they envisioned for her, rather than letting her channel her talent.

During our sessions Raven got our customised templates, cheatsheets and frameworks to help her gain clarity on the exact steps she needed to take to see massive growth in her podcast.

Raven needed to narrow down her focus on the important and keep things SUPER SIMPLE (it doesn't need to be that hard or complicated)!

But she still needed to do the work and the work she did!

So when she started podcasting again, this is what happened!


For Raven this meant:

  • Getting clear on her target audience (this made her marketing 10x more effective as she knows who she is trying to reach and knows how to easily engage with them).

  • Honing in on her messaging, making sure it's consistent. Now she only attracts the listeners she wants to serve.

  • Optimising her show's SEO. Instead of trying to force people to listen to her show, she channels the traffic that is already on the podcast streaming platforms like Apple and Spotify, directing the traffic to her podcast so her show now grows on autopilot.

  • Focusing on a main social media platform. She now spends less time online but is growing 10x as fast, having more fun and growing has never been easier for!

Raven is now crafting her proposals for sponsors and is on track to effectively monetize her show by the end of this year!

Tiffany, under the pen name Raven Scott, focused on pulling the right levers and now is seeing massive growth and engagement on the podcast. You can too!

What She Had To Say...


Drew Made $3517.51 in Sales 12 weeks Even With a Small Audience!

Without NEED for sponsors, ads, selling merch, coaching or begging listeners to become paterons!

'From making pennies onto about an Increase of about 300% on the profit...'

This is an entirely NEW WAY TO MONETIZE a podcast no one is talking about!

Check out what Drew had to say...


Whiskey Lore: The Interviews

Before Our Coaching

When Drew started working with us, he felt overwhelmed, confused and frustrated about how to grow and monetize his podcast effectively.

'The marketing part has always been a mystery to me...'

He was trying so many different things to grow but could never pinpoint what was truly working and what was a total wast of time! It was frustrating process, as he struggled to figure things out on his own.

'I can't keep doing this on my own!'

He started asking himself some hard questions.

That some podcaster are often to afraid to ask.

'Is this something I will be able to survive of off!?'

After Our Coaching

Drew feels now confident and clear, on the exact steps he needs to take when it comes to growing and monetizing his podcast.

We were able to help drew monetize his show within weeks even with a small audience of (150 downloads per episode).

He made just under $2000 with his podcast 8 weeks.

And no this monetization had NOTHING to do with sponsorships, ads, merch, coaching or paterons.

He is on track to able to fund and do he's podcast full time by the end of this year!

'And after going through the process this helped me see that yes, I actually be able to monetize my podcast is HUGE for what my brand is trying to achieve!'



Drew increased his podcast profit by 300% in 4 weeks

Max's podcast grew month after month!

Agi doubled 2 Years' growth in 16 weeks!

Tiffany's saw a 665% increase in her listenership in 90 days!

Senetra is ready to level up and take her podcast seriously!

Cian went from 500 to 7000 downloads in 60 days!

James is getting 10x downloads in his first month!

Kayla is getting loads more engagement, feedback & messages from listeners!

JR now has 27,000 people listening to his show!

Kevin Gained Clarity & Is Growing Month To Month!

Ben increased his listenership by 500% 30 days after applying our strategies!

Christy went from 2800 downloads /month to 6800 downloads/month in 90days

Tony, saw his monthly downloads increase by 40% within 60days of joining GMLA.

Callum gained clarity on how to grow his show no more shooting in the dark no more guessing!

Whitney Went From 632 To 4684 Downloads/Mo In 120 Days.

Lorrie has clarity around the direction of her show and feels supported.

James is now attracting new listeners and improve the quality of his show!

]ayne was pleasantly surprised by Get More Listeners.

Simon is already ranking higher on Apple & Spotify.

Bria had her biggest monthly downloads yet & made $6k in 30 days.


We teach 4 simple steps impact-driven podcasters can take to grow a highly engaged and thriving show.

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