Case Study Reveals: The 3 Key Changes We Made To

Help Kyle & Jon Experience Explosive Growth

Kyle & Jon, Former Maths Teachers Turned Online Finance Coaches, Had a Business-Investing Podcast That Was Struggling To Grow & Monetize.

They Were Struggling With:

Attracting their target audience.

Finding the time to focus on the growth of their shows.

Knowing what actions to take to get a better ROI for the time & money already invested in the show.

Finding new ways to get more listeners for their show outside of social media and targeting high profile guests.

All This Leads To:

Slow growth.

Low engagement.

No income generating opportunities.

And podcasts they loved but couldn't keep doing as a hobby.

The Problem:

They were focusing on all the wrong things.

Who their podcast was targeting wasn't clear.

Their podcast wasn't optimized for Podcast SEO.

And they didn't have a strong value proposition that attracted new listeners.

And Because They Didn't Have These Things In Place:

They struggled to turn more strangers into listeners.

Their social media promotions efforts wasn't helping them grow.

It was hard for them to attract the right listeners who would become paying clients.

They couldn't grow organically because their show wasn't ranking high on Apple & Spotify (no Podcast SEO).

And they couldn't figure out how to consistently get in front of thousands of new podcast listeners each month to grow.

Why Did They Want To Work With Us?

They didn’t want to waste time/money figuring it out through trial and error.

They wanted to work with an experienced team to guide them along the way.



#1 We Clarified Who The Podcast Was For.

We had to package the show as something NEW and wildly attractive to the listeners they wanted to reach:

TARGET: High net-worth individuals in Canada, looking to save on taxes and increase their income with unique investment strategies.

We then had to clearly communicate who the show was for, and the main benefits across key elements of their podcast.

The key elements of their podcast:

  • Tagline.

  • Show Name.

  • Description.

  • Content strategy.

These are all the key elements that will either turn a stranger into a listener or repel them.

Cool. But what specific changes did you make?

We changed their show name and positioned them as an authority.

Their old show name was 'The Invested Teachers.'

Which was:

  • Unclear.

  • Not specific enough.

  • And was failing to attract their ideal listeners.

Instead, we changed their show name to:

Canadian Wealth Secrets.

This Which Was:

  • Clear.

  • Optimized for SEO (Canadian Wealth).

  • And intriguing which attracted more of the right listeners (Secrets).

Their show NOW had an authoritative feel, helping them stand out and making them more attractive to their ideal listeners and clients.

We then crafted a new show description that spoke to the specific listener we wanted to attract.

Podcast show description is the #1 thing new listeners look at when considering a new show to listen to (

Yet, most new and experienced podcasters set and forget their show description, losing the opportunity to connect and convert new listeners.

And that's the same mistake Jon and Kyle made.

So we changed things up.

Here’s the exact framework we used:

  • Start with a strong hook:
    Call out your audience & grab their attention.

  • Add a short podcast origin story:
    Build trust and connection with the new listeners.

  • Share the podcast mission:
    Clarify why the show exists and give them a reason to care.

  • State exactly what the listeners will gain from the show:

    New listeners are thinking what is in this for me, so tell them...

  • End with an incentive-based CTA:

    Recommend a fan-favorite episode to help them get started.

Remember new listeners don't know you yet.

You have to sell the podcast and convince them to take that first step to listen.

We then changed their show's tagline to speak directly to the listeners they wanted to reach.

Your tagline is a single sentence you say at the start of an episode to help new listeners decide whether your podcast is the right show for them.

For John & Kyle we made it:

“Helping entrepreneurs, business owners, and investors grow their wealth into a legacy that lasts generations through hidden investment and tax secrets even your financial advisors won’t believe are true.”

Once again:

  • Clarifying who the show is for.

  • What topics they are focused on.

  • Why people should listen (the secret).

  • While making the show feel intriguing and exciting.

Remember new listeners don't know you yet.

You have to sell the podcast and convince them to take that first step to listen.

#2 We Helped Them Rank High On Apple & Spotify Through Data Driven Podcast SEO.

Like most podcasters they believed Podcast SEO was:

  • Too complicated.

  • Only for experts.

  • Too long to see the effects.

    (usually confusing normal SEO to Podcast SEO).

In other words they totally overlooked the power of Podcast SEO as a growth strategy.


This made it hard for them to be found organically by new listeners searching on Apple & Spotify for their topic.

This had to change, so we helped them:

  • Rank higher for highly search keywords.

  • Increase their episode completion rate so the algorithm pushed their content to new listeners.

  • Get a new on-brand cover art that stands out on the search results page to get more clicks and listens.

  • Finally, we included the highly searched-for keywords we wanted to rank for in their show notes, episode titles, show names, and descriptions.

This increased the number of ways new listeners can find their podcast organically.

#3 We Helped Them Build Out A Targeted Exposure Strategy By Guesting On Top Podcast With Look-Like Audiences.

So, at this point.

Their podcast is turning strangers into listeners.

Their podcast is being found each day by new listeners on Apple & Spotify.

And their podcast is getting those listeners coming back for more.

Now, it’s about getting the most exposure for their show.

And here's why we decided to focus on guesting as our exposure strategy for their show:

  • Guesting on other podcasts is your shortcut to a wider listener base.

  • Guest appearances deliver faster results than relying on your show's guests to attract new listeners.

  • Each podcast has a unique audience, constantly exposing you to new listeners.

  • The more shows you guest on the more discovery points you create to drive more growth for your show.

Since then, John and Kyle have featured on major shows within their niche.

They're being exposed to thousands of new listeners each month whilst building their authority and network.

We removed the grunt work from the process for them by finding, vetting, and qualifying the show they would feature on.

We also helped them create a high-converting pitching script that got positive responses and bookings.

So Let's Recap We:

  • We made their show wildly attractive to the listeners they wanted to reach.

  • We built a content strategy to keep those listeners coming back for more.

  • We increased their discoverability so new listeners found them organically

  • We built their exposure strategy to target only the listeners they want to reach.

The Only Possible Outcome of These Changes Was:

  • A podcast that's finally broke past slow and steady growth.

  • A podcast that's attracting only the right listeners and generating highly qualified leads for their business.

  • A podcast that's climbing the ranks in Apple & Spotify that they feel proud of.

  • And a positive ROI show that's projected to generate a million dollars for their business.


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We teach 4 simple steps impact-driven podcasters can take to grow a highly engaged and thriving show.

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